We know the four kingdoms in nature: mineral, vegetable, animal and human. At present the earth is giving birth to the Fifth Kingdom. The earthquakes, tornadoes, erupting volcanoes, and tsunamis are the birth pangs of this new Kingdom.
This cleansing is taking place now, not just physically but also in the consciousness of humanity. After these trials and tribulations, the Fifth Kingdom will take birth. Then there will be peace and harmony. The earth will be a paradise.
We humans have forgotten that the earth is a living entity. She is a conscious being. You could say that nature is the feminine face of God. What do we do to her? We bury our rubbish in her bowels, we cut down trees, we destroy her forests for material gain etc. And that is just on the physical level. On the psychic level, we pollute her with our cruel thoughts and actions against our fellow animal and human relatives.
Mother Earth is a great alchemist. She takes all the rubbish we direct at her and she produces beautiful flowers and fruits for us. But today things are changing. With the massive population increase and the huge demands being placed on her, she cannot continue. She has reached breaking point.
Soon, we will see her undergo a full scale rebalancing of the planet. She has been plundered and ignored for too long. Like the disciplinarian parent, she is going to give us a good shaking.
Before the Fifth Kingdom which is the Kingdom of Light, the kingdom of God, can manifest, the old attitudes and destructive tendencies, must be weeded out. Let us be clear, the G (God) word is understandably despised by a lot of people. This is largely due to the fact that religions have used it to create a very vindictive, petty and small minded concept of God. The God I refer to us the unknowable, infinite, unlimited being that we can only struggle to know.
The Kingdom of God that is taking birth, is a new consciousness. Human beings will at last begin to consider themselves as related to each other, as children of the one. They will seek to create harmony between nations, and will recognize that they are the stewards of the planet and of the other kingdoms in nature.
The symbol of this birth is the Pentagram, the Five pointed star. The star symbolises a person, standing with feet apart and arms outstretched. Meaning, the personal self has been given up to the higher self. The star also sybolises the refining of the five senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch. And the new humanity will bring into manifestation a new sense which will incorporate all the other 5 senses.
Above all, the birth of the new kingdom is best symbolized by an open palm saluting all the beings and kingdoms in nature. Spiritual science tells us that our palms have important centres of energy that can heal and project light. The salutation is symbolic of the new attitude of giving of oneself.
So we all need to prepare ourselves as Mother Nature cleanses before the birth of this kingdom. One method we can use is to hold our palm up and salute all of the kingdoms in nature, and tell them how grateful we are for their quiet support and work.
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