If you are visiting the city of Mendoza, you can make your reservations at the Diplomatic Hotel and trip around its neighboring cities and villages. Malargüe is one of them, and it is an outstanding alternative for a daily tour, discovering the marvels of Mother Nature.
On the southern side of the city of Malargüe, coming from the Route 40, there are countless internal roads that track the Payunia reservoir. A strange landscape of desert features is waiting for tourists in this remote area placed 130 kilometers away from Malargüe town. Here the power of volcanoes flooded vast territories with great covers of lava, which head to basalt formations that established a semi-lunar landscape.
As an area of suggestive beauty, the Payunia emboldens the spirit of being at what was the original land. Walking through the slag heaps of Mount St. Mary, in the Black Pampas or around that perfect volcano known as the Payún, are experiences that cause a great impact on each visitor. Reaching Lonco Vaca is a fantastic event. The diversity of flora and fauna that subsists in this place is amazing. It was declared a protected area in 1988, with the statement of Total Reserves, over a territory of 450,000 hectares.
This area is characterized as typical of a transition zone between the woodland and the Patagonia. The landscape is represented by the features of what was an intense volcanic activity. The ground is extremely rough and challenging in the surrounds of Matru Payún. To the south, between the Payún Matru and the Grande River, we can find some smaller volcanoes. There, the extremely fragmented lava has formed attractive black sand, which is known as the Pampas Negras. The ground is littered with volcanic bombs, which are picks of lava that fell as liquid or paste and then cooled and took odd shapes. The volcanoes that stand out are the Payún Matru and Payún Liso. The latter is, with 3680 meters high, the highest in the region. Its crater is 400 meters in diameter and 90 deep.
The Payunia is an amazing place, with autochthonous flora and fauna, enclosed by the most spectacular geomorphologic phenomenon. After that interesting day in Malargüe, visiting the Payunia Reserve, you can get back to the Diplomatic Hotel in Mendoza city and have a nice rest in one of its comfortable chambers.