Sometimes, getting lost is a good thing. And getting lost on Big Island volcano tours is a great thing. You can get lost in the air; flying in a helicopter over the summit of Kilauea and staring into the face of an active volcano. You lose your sense of being earth-bound and the weight of the world; the force of gravity that can keep us down in everyday life, is lifted.
You can get lost on the ground; hiking across lava fields and being spellbound as your tour guides tell you of the legends of Pele. You can lose your sense of time and the feeling that life may be passing you by. Time is relative on a volcano.
Visiting the volcanoes of the Big Island help you get lost in the best sense of the word. There are no problems too big when you stand at the edge of a lava flow and watch the molten rock meet the rushing waves of the blue Pacific. Watching the forces of nature collide, seeing the raw elements that created this land in their very act of creation makes the daily tribulations of existence seem small in comparison.
Standing in the middle of a dark and cave-like lava tube, helps you lose yourself for a moment. There is no room for ego in a lava tube. Standing on the top of Mauna Kea and seeing the stars so close and so beautiful and so vast, helps you lose your self-importance. There is no competition when you are standing on the edge of the galaxy on top of the world's largest mountain.
Seeing the flora and the fauna that grows out of the desolation of an ancient lava bed leaves no place in you to feel hopelessness.
There is no place for heartbreak when seeing a sunrise or a sunset from the top of a volcanic crater. There is no space for fear, or doubt, or worry, or anxiety, or any of the other millions of useless emotions we carry inside of us each moment when we look at them from the view atop a volcano.
We lose all these things and more when touring the massive volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands. The Big Island volcanoes help us lose ourselves for a time, and in doing so, help us connect with things that are bigger than ourselves.
We lose gravity and we find a deeper weight. We lose our sense of place and time and find a greater history. We lose our comfort zones and find a greater sense of direction. We get lost in the volcanoes of Hawaii, and in getting lost, we tend to find ourselves. We get lost and we find perspective.
Discover how you can get lost on Big Island volcano tours by visiting