วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Does the Human Brain Sense Major Future Catastrophic Events?

Some believe that the Human Brain knows when something bad is going to happen? Perhaps, you've experienced anxiety prior to a major big event. If it was an Earthquake, or a Volcano, then there might be an explanation for that due to small earthquake swarms that your body feels, but consciously does not break us out of our fast-paced life.

Now then, with regards to 911 event, I recall that in Princeton they have an EGG Project where they noted a "spike" in what they call the "collective consciousness" which was very interesting - human brain wave frequency spectrum spikes. And really I am not completely sure of the accuracy of that, but listened to some late-night talk show Coast-to-Coast interview with some academic scholars. I take anything on that show with a grain of salt, however, it was an interesting topic even if Sci Fi like speculation.

Nevertheless, if we go down this path of speculation into that which is not known, one could ask the question; does human thought control the Sun, or does the Sun control human thought? It would make sense that any evolved species on this planet would have evolved and adapted to the heat and light sources, that is self-evident, so obviously there is a correlation, and to deny it is simply a miss of science. The question of does human thought control the Sun would be akin to the once-upon-a-time thought that the Universe revolved around Earth, it's an ego-centric error most likely. But it is possible that the Sun or solar flares effect human thought or our entire biosystem in some way.

The Solar Maximum/Minimum Cycle is said to be 22-years (11 give or take on each side) although I wonder if that is accurate, as we have not been measuring it to the degree we can today for very long. And like any surfer will tell you, the 9th wave of the 9th set is the best to surf on, so you wait for the sets until it is upon you. So, considering Cycles in nature, economics, business, climate, life, weather, patterns, and complex systems it is possible that we don't know all we think we know, due to our lack of observational ability, and the reality of the rouge-wave or "black swan" event, which just throws a wringer in everything and blows out all the mathematical modeling running current data into the infinite when we know or should know that just doesn't fit the geological record on Earth or other long-term evidence elsewhere.

So, yes the solar maximum will be cooking along for all we know in 2012, which should cause increased ambient atmospheric temperatures, expansion of the atmosphere, and play into the hands of global warming alarmists due to water supplies, droughts, and temperatures. Also increased hurricane seasons and storms perhaps as well. This could cause additional chaos in an already economically shaken world. Increased energy costs due to unfortunate legislation and global warming theories will exacerbate the problem causing scarcity, non of this is very good, but it is inevitable due to human actions. There will be fortunes lost and opportunities made, such is the case in any crisis.

In Arthur C Clarke's second book with Stephen Baxter; "SunStorm" there are some really interesting issues to consider, and lots of thought went into that book. Imagine working in the DOD; I guess I'd be concerned with satellite communications and back-ups, network relays, outages, etc. We cannot allow our Nation's defense systems to be let down in case of such events. Regardless if these events happen in the near future or far off future, the reality is they will happen, and this planet has experienced magnetic disturbances, solar flares, space weather, etc. many times over billions of years, and will again, so we need to be thinking here, as what if the entire net-centric grid goes down.

Consumers will be pissed due to their new 3D TV Soccer World Cup satellite going down, or their Google Phone GPS, or maybe in the future self-driving car on the fritz, but that is nothing compared to the disruptions of 3G, 4G wireless communication or the US Militaries eye's blinded and 100s of billions of dollars in satellite communication rendered in-operative. That is scary stuff, we need a plan, a real one, not run-for-cover, scrambling chaotic mess.

Speaking of the Mayan Calendar, I am sure that it is irrelevant, and even love to joke about it; "the Mayan's just ran out of stone to keep making their calendar" and that was the day it happened to end on? I guess my biggest issue, and yes, I like to watch the "end-of-the-world" Hollywood Movies also, they are an intriguing genre indeed. But even in real life we have all these scare tactics to move agenda's "created realities" or "created crisis" such as Y2K, total nuclear war annihilation, Ice Age, Global Warming, Major Asteroid Strike, Bird Flu, etc, it's always something to propel fear and every religion; god bless them has some end-of-times scenario too.

The Mayan's seem to believe that they had knowledge of time of renewal or beginning, which we have taken out of context to coincide with end-of-times prophesy. Not sure why humans feel the need to do this? All this doom and gloom is not so good. Worse, we know there is such a thing as forced prophesy or self-fulfilled prophesy, and that is very scary when you have folks who wish to bring about such things in real life or promote them until that time period passes.

Anyway, yes, I'd say that the notations you made in looking at world events and Solar Flares is interesting especially 911, and more research should be done there, there is much more to the story. I've even ran across some very interesting way-out conspiracy theories that actually make sense, in an improve-able way when it comes to 911, which is a cool place to think, as long as one does not fill their minds with nonsense, as it could make for a rather excellent SCI FI thriller screenplay.

Maybe the human mind does experience pre-knowledge of catastrophic events through time and in advance on a cellular level though some sort of unknown quantum mechanics relationship. We don't know, but it is a fun place to think, even if there may be nothing to it at all. Please consider all this.

Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. http://www.WorldThinkTank.net. Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.

