วันจันทร์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

The Volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands

The Hawaiian Islands rose from the sea due to a series of volcanic eruptions. The upsurges that brought them into being must have been violent, for these islands stand in water more than three miles deep. Conical mountains on some of the bodies of land thrust up two and a half miles above sea level. All of the islands vary considerably in size. The larger pieces of land were not only formed by lava and ash, but also enlarged by coral growths.

Hawaii, the island that is furthest east, is also the largest. There are several volcanoes scattered over its surface of four thousand square miles, the greatest of which is Mauna Loa, or "Long Mountain." Mauna Loa is 13,680 feet tall. The crater at its summit is affectionately nicknamed Mokuaweoweo.

Much like a dedicated citizens petition that has been a citizen petition in the citizen petition process for only a short amount of time, Mauna Loa is still active. The rest periods between its eruptions are inconsistent, lasting from anywhere between several months or ten years. Its flows occupy more than two thousand square miles, over half of the area of the island.

Mauna Loa's flows extend from its snow-encrusted summit to the ocean bottom, over thirty one thousand feet below its craggy flasks. Many of Mauna Loa's eruptions do not go beyond its crater, but others manage to cause huge splits and cracks in the mountainside and spew forth fiery, molten rock.

Such a breach occurred well up on the northeast ridge back in 1881, and the lava that gushed forth flowed down to the edge of the city of Hilo, more than 30 miles distant. Again in 1942, following a series of heavy earthquakes, burning, flaming lava squirted from a great crack in the mountain's shoulder in a series of fountains.

The lava ran to within 12 miles of Hilo. It is unknown if the Hilo civilians chose to start a petition using their knowledge on how to make a petition in order to obtain a petition that asked for more protection against the giant volcano.

In 1950 a mighty fissure 13 miles long opened up, and during 23 days more than a billion tons of lava issued from it. In some places it sped toward the sea in scorching rivers flowing six miles an hour, while one rivulet, years ago, is said to have traveled at a rate of 40 miles an hour.

Twenty three miles to the east of Mauna Loa is the volcano Kilauea. Its summit collapsed inwards, forming a shallow trough at the top. This trough is called the Halemaumau, "The House of Everlasting Fire." Within it is one of the most fearful wonders in all of our national parks.

This is a fearsome lake of gurgling, blistering lava, 1750 degrees hot on its surface, which occasionally wells up and overflows onto the crater floor. At other times it is sucked back within the earth and sinks almost out of sight, like a slug of snot in a child's nose. Then the walls crumble into an avalanche down the walls of the yawning cavern, sometimes letting great quantities of water cascade into the depths.

When this happens, the volcano undergoes violent steam explosions, hurling forth tons of rock and dust. Such a blast heaped death and destruction upon a native army in 1790. Bare footprints in volcanic ash give testimony to this tragedy long ago. Modern social things, like petition letter examples, some petition examples, or example petitions cannot save anyone from such devastation.

There are other things to see and enjoy within the two sections of the park besides volcanoes and the results of volcanic action. Plants native to each of these islands are not found anywhere else in the world. In the Haleakala Crater grows the strange, rare silversword. It throws up a "pincushion" of long, daggerlike leaves that look as though they were formed of silver. From its center a flower stalk thrusts up 6 or more feet, and on it opens up a vast bloom made up of countless purple flowers.

Allison Ryan is a freelance marketing writer from San Diego, CA. She specializes in the citizen petition process, how to make a petition, and petition examples to help individuals start their own. To browse free petitions, stop by http://www.thepetitionsite.com/.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Getting Lost on Big Island Volcano Tours

Sometimes, getting lost is a good thing. And getting lost on Big Island volcano tours is a great thing. You can get lost in the air; flying in a helicopter over the summit of Kilauea and staring into the face of an active volcano. You lose your sense of being earth-bound and the weight of the world; the force of gravity that can keep us down in everyday life, is lifted.

You can get lost on the ground; hiking across lava fields and being spellbound as your tour guides tell you of the legends of Pele. You can lose your sense of time and the feeling that life may be passing you by. Time is relative on a volcano.

Visiting the volcanoes of the Big Island help you get lost in the best sense of the word. There are no problems too big when you stand at the edge of a lava flow and watch the molten rock meet the rushing waves of the blue Pacific. Watching the forces of nature collide, seeing the raw elements that created this land in their very act of creation makes the daily tribulations of existence seem small in comparison.

Standing in the middle of a dark and cave-like lava tube, helps you lose yourself for a moment. There is no room for ego in a lava tube. Standing on the top of Mauna Kea and seeing the stars so close and so beautiful and so vast, helps you lose your self-importance. There is no competition when you are standing on the edge of the galaxy on top of the world's largest mountain.

Seeing the flora and the fauna that grows out of the desolation of an ancient lava bed leaves no place in you to feel hopelessness.

There is no place for heartbreak when seeing a sunrise or a sunset from the top of a volcanic crater. There is no space for fear, or doubt, or worry, or anxiety, or any of the other millions of useless emotions we carry inside of us each moment when we look at them from the view atop a volcano.

We lose all these things and more when touring the massive volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands. The Big Island volcanoes help us lose ourselves for a time, and in doing so, help us connect with things that are bigger than ourselves.

We lose gravity and we find a deeper weight. We lose our sense of place and time and find a greater history. We lose our comfort zones and find a greater sense of direction. We get lost in the volcanoes of Hawaii, and in getting lost, we tend to find ourselves. We get lost and we find perspective.

Discover how you can get lost on Big Island volcano tours by visiting http://www.hawaiitours.com/big-island-volcano.php.

Does the Human Brain Sense Major Future Catastrophic Events?

Some believe that the Human Brain knows when something bad is going to happen? Perhaps, you've experienced anxiety prior to a major big event. If it was an Earthquake, or a Volcano, then there might be an explanation for that due to small earthquake swarms that your body feels, but consciously does not break us out of our fast-paced life.

Now then, with regards to 911 event, I recall that in Princeton they have an EGG Project where they noted a "spike" in what they call the "collective consciousness" which was very interesting - human brain wave frequency spectrum spikes. And really I am not completely sure of the accuracy of that, but listened to some late-night talk show Coast-to-Coast interview with some academic scholars. I take anything on that show with a grain of salt, however, it was an interesting topic even if Sci Fi like speculation.

Nevertheless, if we go down this path of speculation into that which is not known, one could ask the question; does human thought control the Sun, or does the Sun control human thought? It would make sense that any evolved species on this planet would have evolved and adapted to the heat and light sources, that is self-evident, so obviously there is a correlation, and to deny it is simply a miss of science. The question of does human thought control the Sun would be akin to the once-upon-a-time thought that the Universe revolved around Earth, it's an ego-centric error most likely. But it is possible that the Sun or solar flares effect human thought or our entire biosystem in some way.

The Solar Maximum/Minimum Cycle is said to be 22-years (11 give or take on each side) although I wonder if that is accurate, as we have not been measuring it to the degree we can today for very long. And like any surfer will tell you, the 9th wave of the 9th set is the best to surf on, so you wait for the sets until it is upon you. So, considering Cycles in nature, economics, business, climate, life, weather, patterns, and complex systems it is possible that we don't know all we think we know, due to our lack of observational ability, and the reality of the rouge-wave or "black swan" event, which just throws a wringer in everything and blows out all the mathematical modeling running current data into the infinite when we know or should know that just doesn't fit the geological record on Earth or other long-term evidence elsewhere.

So, yes the solar maximum will be cooking along for all we know in 2012, which should cause increased ambient atmospheric temperatures, expansion of the atmosphere, and play into the hands of global warming alarmists due to water supplies, droughts, and temperatures. Also increased hurricane seasons and storms perhaps as well. This could cause additional chaos in an already economically shaken world. Increased energy costs due to unfortunate legislation and global warming theories will exacerbate the problem causing scarcity, non of this is very good, but it is inevitable due to human actions. There will be fortunes lost and opportunities made, such is the case in any crisis.

In Arthur C Clarke's second book with Stephen Baxter; "SunStorm" there are some really interesting issues to consider, and lots of thought went into that book. Imagine working in the DOD; I guess I'd be concerned with satellite communications and back-ups, network relays, outages, etc. We cannot allow our Nation's defense systems to be let down in case of such events. Regardless if these events happen in the near future or far off future, the reality is they will happen, and this planet has experienced magnetic disturbances, solar flares, space weather, etc. many times over billions of years, and will again, so we need to be thinking here, as what if the entire net-centric grid goes down.

Consumers will be pissed due to their new 3D TV Soccer World Cup satellite going down, or their Google Phone GPS, or maybe in the future self-driving car on the fritz, but that is nothing compared to the disruptions of 3G, 4G wireless communication or the US Militaries eye's blinded and 100s of billions of dollars in satellite communication rendered in-operative. That is scary stuff, we need a plan, a real one, not run-for-cover, scrambling chaotic mess.

Speaking of the Mayan Calendar, I am sure that it is irrelevant, and even love to joke about it; "the Mayan's just ran out of stone to keep making their calendar" and that was the day it happened to end on? I guess my biggest issue, and yes, I like to watch the "end-of-the-world" Hollywood Movies also, they are an intriguing genre indeed. But even in real life we have all these scare tactics to move agenda's "created realities" or "created crisis" such as Y2K, total nuclear war annihilation, Ice Age, Global Warming, Major Asteroid Strike, Bird Flu, etc, it's always something to propel fear and every religion; god bless them has some end-of-times scenario too.

The Mayan's seem to believe that they had knowledge of time of renewal or beginning, which we have taken out of context to coincide with end-of-times prophesy. Not sure why humans feel the need to do this? All this doom and gloom is not so good. Worse, we know there is such a thing as forced prophesy or self-fulfilled prophesy, and that is very scary when you have folks who wish to bring about such things in real life or promote them until that time period passes.

Anyway, yes, I'd say that the notations you made in looking at world events and Solar Flares is interesting especially 911, and more research should be done there, there is much more to the story. I've even ran across some very interesting way-out conspiracy theories that actually make sense, in an improve-able way when it comes to 911, which is a cool place to think, as long as one does not fill their minds with nonsense, as it could make for a rather excellent SCI FI thriller screenplay.

Maybe the human mind does experience pre-knowledge of catastrophic events through time and in advance on a cellular level though some sort of unknown quantum mechanics relationship. We don't know, but it is a fun place to think, even if there may be nothing to it at all. Please consider all this.

Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. http://www.WorldThinkTank.net. Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.

วันเสาร์ที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

National Park Vacations - How to Use the Parks System For an Affordable Vacation

Outdoor fun, beautiful scenery and bonding time with family and friends, a National Park vacation promises all this and much more! America is blessed with several stunning parks that you can visit with your family and friends. These parks offer all kinds of recreational opportunities like camping, hiking, riding and even swimming and boating in some places. You can take your pick based on your budget and vacation preferences.

For instance, if you are a beach person, you may want to visit a coastal park like the Biscayne National Park in Florida or the American Samoa National Park in the Samoan islands. Those in love with the mountains and winter sport aficionados might prefer destinations like the Denali National Park or the Gates of Arctic National Park. Of course there are also parks surrounding canyons, volcanoes, deserts and badlands just to name a few. Your choices are as vast as the range of nature's artistry.

The best part about planning a vacation to the parks system is that you don't necessarily have to spend a lot of money to have fun. You can stay in tents or cabins within the park's premises. In case you are not comfortable with these two accommodation options, you may also consider checking into one of the nearby family friendly motels. Most parks charge a reasonable entry fee and if you plan to visit more than one park in the year, you can also buy a Park pass.

You may not get the opportunity to party or eat out at fancy places on your parks vacation, but the scenic natural beauty of these parks along with the outdoor re-creation opportunities more than make up for that little missing element. In fact you will find that a flirtatious affair with nature is far more satisfying and easier on the pocket than a fling with a regular cosmopolitan location.

Advance planning is essential for a hassle free National Parks vacation. Since the parks are popular vacation destinations, especially during the summers, it will be difficult for you to get campground spaces or even cabins, unless you book well in advance. Another thing that you must be careful about is packing all that you would need, especially if you are planning to camp out, from a first aid kit to energy bars, insect repellents, plastic bags, toilet paper and trail maps, etc.

A National Park vacation can be as much fun as you choose to make it, so plan well and let the adventurer in you take over!

If you are looking for a hotel or any other type of accommodations for your next vacation to one of America's beautiful National Parks, we recommend visiting Lodginghunt.com.

The Hawaii Volcanoes Are the Most Well Known Volcanoes in the World

An island filled with beautiful beaches, whole days of great weather and the chance to kick back and relax... that is what Hawaii is to most people. There is also another can we say intriguing side to Hawaii and that is the fact that it is full of volcanoes.

The Hawaii volcanoes are probably some of the most well known volcanoes in the world. Scientists and tourists alike can be found flocking the islands as it is one of the few known places with live volcanoes. After all not many of us can say we went and visited an actual live volcano can we?

Each Hawaiian island has at least one volcano on it, and many of these islands still have active Hawaii volcanoes. It is believed that the Hawaiian Islands are at the end of a chain of volcanoes that started forming more than 70 million years ago and it is no wonder then that these islands are also a place of great history. The lava found in these areas is pre historic and so the amount of information we can find out about the early world from them is immense. Even as old volcanoes die new ones are being formed in these islands.

Volcanoes can be harmful to the living things around it. As the active volcanoes continue spouting lava the height of land in the Big Island of Hawaii has grown to 4,000 m and the threat these Hawaii volcanoes pose to humans are quite high as well. Over the years land development has expanded towards the more hazardous parts of the island meaning that more and more people are being put at risk due to eruption of the Hawaii volcanoes. Another kind of risk posed by Hawaii volcanoes is the airborne lava fragments that can be harmful to humans and animals alike.

Then there is the worry of volcanic gases that escape during eruption of Hawaii volcanoes and the threat of ground cracks and settling. If flowing lava is suddenly sent into the sea the effect it can have on the land mass and the water is quite scary as well. All these can pose great harm to those nearby.

Learn More About Hawaii volcanoes

Holiday & Travel Guide For Bali


Bali in Indonesia is a small island that can be pretty much navigated around by car in around an hour, but it has some beautiful beaches with many activities available. Like the popular Kuta beach, for example, where water sports like wakeboarding, surfing and swimming are offered and on the beach there are activities like kite flying as well as slingshot activities. But if you're looking for something more relaxing while you're lying on the beach then there are many pleasurable experiences to be had with wonderful massages, manicures and hair braiding. It's ideal for those of you wanting to bake in the sun and be pampered at the same time. For family fun there is a brilliant waterslide park called Waterbom. It is filled with exciting slides and exhilarating raft experiences, along with wall climbing and tubing. There is plenty to do there for a full day excursion in this tropically green and lush environment.


There are so many highlights to this small island as it is crammed with culture and nature, from volcano tours and botanical gardens to amazing rice fields and trips to see the beautiful Hindu Temples that are dedicated to different spirits. These Temples are dotted all around the island. The court house Kerta Gosa is a fabulous building built in the 18th century that has now become quite famous for its bright and lavish ceiling paintings that depict the hell that awaits the law breaker. Some of the buildings in Bali are truly amazing and there are so many photo opportunities.


As to be expected on such a small island, there are no malls, or international chain stores, but what there are is plenty of buying opportunities, because this small island has plenty of small shops selling designer fashion ware. There are also open air markets to tempt you with handmade clothing to your personal preferences, beautiful jewellery and many handcrafted items. Not forgetting the bright and wonderful art work. The prices are excellent, but a little haggling won't do any harm. You won't be going home empty handed, so be sure to leave some spare room in your suitcase.


There are many eating establishments in Bali, but very few selling typical Bali food like suckling pig with rice. Most of the restaurants and hotels sell international cuisine to appeal to the tourist market. Eating out in Bali is very cheap and not to be grumbled at as there are very few cheap places left nowadays. The outdoor markets sell some delicious fruits for you to taste and there are beach hut vendors selling snacks and drinks.


There are plenty of nightclubs and bars around this small island, but they don't open until around midnight and the best place to be at that time is in Legian; any of the taxi drivers in your resort will take you there. The clubs are very popular in this area, it is very well known as it's more upmarket, the place where everyone dresses to impress in their designer clothes. International imported drinks can be very expensive in these places though, so don't expect the night life to be cheap.

Happy Holidays

Trevor Butler, co-founder and owner of holidayholiday.co.uk, specialists in cheap holidays and last minute holidays worldwide.

Best Places to Get Married - Volcanos and Glaciers

Nature provides some of the most unique places to tie the knot. And, there's nothing more exciting than pushing the envelope with the most extremes that Nature offers - volcanos and glaciers.

Volcano Weddings

There's no better place to celebrate the passion of your love than saying "I do" within the backdrop of a red-hot volcano. Two volcanos you might consider for your fiery wedding are the famous Kilauea Crater on the Big Island of Hawaii and Mt. Yasur Volcano on Tanna Island, Republic of Vanuatu, an island-nation in the South Pacific.

Kilauea Crater

Sites overlooking the Kilauea Crater are favorites for couples seeking a dramatic backdrop for their wedding photos. Kilauea volcano is Hawaii's most active volcano and thus, a favorite place for nature lovers. Wedding ceremonies are allowed at Kilauea Crater overlooks, though a Wedding Request Form should be completed and submitted to the National Park Service. There is a non-refundable $50 fee to apply for a wedding permit, as well as park entrance fees. You can inquire about the Wedding Request Form by calling 808-985-6027.

While considering a wedding overlooking Kilauea Crater, you might also want to consider staying at the Volcano House, situated at the edge of the crater. They also provide wedding services, and are perfectly situated for volcano-viewing, with guest rooms offering a spectacular view of the Kilauea crater. Call them at 808-967-7321 for reservations or more information.

Mt. Yasur Volcano

Mt. Yasur Volcano is located on Tanna Island, one of the islands which make up Vanuatu in the South Pacific. Tanna Island is often referred to as the "Island of Fire," and attracts tourists from around the world who take volcano tours within 150 meters of the crater's edge, where they are able to walk the entire perimeter.

Tanna Island also attracts couples who wish to marry near the Mt. Yasur volcano. Couples do need to take note that Tanna Island is a bit rugged. For example, there is no electricity on the island. There is, however, a resort, Whitegrass Ocean Resort, which has privately-owned generators turned on at least 8 hours a day, and which provides wedding services, including at the volcano. You can email them at whitegrasstanna@vanuatu.com.vu for more information.

Marriages in Vanuatu are recognized in Australia, New Zealand, the United States, the United Kingdom and most other countries. Couples do have to be in Vanuatu for three days prior to the ceremony. There are also many documents which need to be faxed to the Municipality three weeks prior to the ceremony, so be sure to do all your research well in advance of making travel plans.

Icy Weddings

While volcano weddings can symbolize passion, weddings on glaciers symbolize love that has stood the test of time and is rock solid. What are some glaciers you might consider for your wedding?

Mendenhall Glacier - Juneau, Alaska

The Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau seems to be the "hot" spot for Glacier Weddings. If not from the area, and, let's face it, not many people are, there are a couple ways you might plan your glacier wedding. One is to have your wedding while on a shore excursion from your cruise ship. You will want to schedule at least 3 hours for the travel time and ceremony, so do make sure your shore excursion will accommodate the time spent.

Several companies will perform this service, including Royal Ocean Events, whose pilot and photographer will serve as your witnesses. They also provide an Alaskan bouquet and matching boutonniere, as well as two rolls of film taken of the ceremony. Champagne and chocolate-dipped strawberries will be delivered to your cabin. Call Royal Ocean Events Inc. at 888-475-5511 for more information.

For those not going on an Alaskan cruise, you may want to consider the wedding package from Pearson's Pond Luxury B&B Inn and Adventure Spa, which was rated one of the World's Most Romantic Hotel Destinations. As of this writing, the wedding on the Mendenhall Glacier will cost from $3995, with additional fees for honeymoon nights at Pearson's Pond Luxury B&B. The cost includes a mini-reception for the bridal couple and witnesses with a cake, sparkling cider or champagne, CD music and first dance. Call them at 888-658-6328 for more information.

There is no blood test required to get married in Alaska, however there is a 3-day waiting period from the time the state receives your completed application.

Tasman Glacier - New Zealand

Tasman Glacier is New Zealand's longest glacier, as well as the largest glacier in the world outside the polar regions or the Himalayas, and is located in the Aoraki Mt. Cook National Park.

The Wedding Company in New Zealand is one company which provides wedding assistance at sites throughout New Zealand, including Tasman Glacier. Their wedding package includes arrangement of your New Zealand Marriage License including application fee, pre-wedding consultation, a New Zealand Marriage Celebrant to officiate at your wedding, as well as a professional wedding coordinator to assist you. As of this writing the cost for the Tasman Glacier wedding is NZD $835 for a 4-seater Cessna and NZD $1340 for an 8-seater Cessna. Call them at +64-3-546-5181 for more information.

Whichever you choose, a volcano or glacier wedding, you've chosen a wedding venue that is as unique as the two of you. And, just to ease your mind - the cold feet you experience on a glacier wedding is just temporary.

Shari Hearn is a writer and website creator. Visit her website about destination weddings to learn about such things as cruise ship weddings.

วันศุกร์ที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Best Places to Visit in Costa Rica

Having Visited Costa Rica, I have compiled a list of the best locations to visit. This list is by no means comprehensive or complete, it is just a checklist of all the places I would visit when I go to Costa Rica.

Arenal Volcano

The Arenal Volcano area is one of Costa Rica's top attractions. Only 3 hours away from San Jos, in the town of La Fortuna, stands a majestic 1,633m volcano, known to be one of the most active in the world. Despite its constant activity, the volcano is very safe to visit as long as you stay within the safety perimeter. In this area take advantage of the pristine natural surroundings! Go fishing, horseback riding; take a canopy tour, rafting or experience a tremendous canyon expedition. Whatever you decide, be sure to visit the relaxing hot springs in the area, the most famous being Tabacon and Baldi.

La Fortuna and Surroundings

Often simply referred to as La Fortuna, the town of La Fortuna de San Carlos is the gateway to the magnificent Arenal Volcano. A charming and quiet town, La Fortuna is easily accessible from the capital city San Jose, and offers some panoramic views of the spectacular Arenal, Costa's Rica's most active volcano. Sitting around 10 kilometers away from town and regularly spewing smoke and ash for some time now, the Volcan Arenal is the country's top rated tourist attraction and is indeed a sight to behold.

Over the last few years in particular, La Fortuna has become quite a bustling town. However, there are plenty of accommodations, hotels and resorts here to suit every budget. A must try when in La Fortuna are the amazing resort spas surrounding the volcano. On a clear day you can watch the volcano erupt and if you wait for nightfall, the Arenal puts on a brilliant show with bright red rocks tumbling down its sides. Beside the volcano, this town has other great tourist attractions like the La Catarata de la Fortuna, Tabacon Hot Springs, white water rafting, hiking excursions, kayaking, canoeing, fishing, horseback riding, canopy tours and Cao Negro Boat Tours are just some of the many activities that one can enjoy while you are here.

Monteverde Cloud Forest

Most famous for being associated with the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve,the tiny community of Monteverde is a small village located near the entrance of the cloud forest. Monteverde was founded by the Quaker community that migrated from North America to Costa Rica in the 1950's. In town, which is actually Santa Elena, you'll find banks, drug store, a local hospital, book store, gas station, ATM machine, police station, post office, supermarkets, internet cafes, restaurants

As the weather here is quite chilly and misty, due to the village being high up in the Tilaran Mountain Range, you should bring some thick clothes and a light jacket to stay warm. When here, do remember to try out the delicious local cheeses, which are a treat to eat. If you are a bird watcher, this village offers some lovely bird watching opportunities, even though you are not in the cloud forest itself. However, if you prefer to do the more touristy thing, visit the local craft centers, the women's co-op center, the butterfly garden and the Hummingbird Gallery in town.

Dominical Beach

Located on Costa Rica's amazingly beautiful Central Pacific coastline, the small village of Dominical is a surfer's paradise where waves can reach over 10 feet high, a place rich in island biodiversity and amazing underwater flora and fauna. It is the perfect combination between the extensive golden coasts full of scenic beaches & luscious mountains.

Dominical is a 4 km long beach strip, with a few hotels, lodges, resorts and restaurants in the area. While swimming here is near impossible with the strong swells and rip tides, one can kayak off the coast or enjoy some diving or snorkeling opportunities in the area. Horseback tours can also be arranged to the nearby Nauyaca Waterfalls, or one can visit the Marino Ballena National Park, which is home to a number of marine mammals like turtles and whales that come here seasonally to mate and nest. If you like, you can take a short day trip to the lovely Cao Island just off the coast. This island is considered one of the best adventure diving spots in the world and is home to an impressive array of underwater marine life.


Tortuguero National Park is one of Costa Rica's most biologically diverse wildlife areas. Featuring one of the most verdant landscapes in the country, the 26,156 hectare park was created with the main purpose of protecting the green sea turtle nesting area. Tortuguero owes its very wet tropical forest to the 5000 to 6000 millimeters of rain it receives per year. These climatic conditions are favorable to more than 400 tree species, around 2200 species of other plants and more than 400 birds, 60 amphibian and 30 fresh water fish species, as well as several endangered animals including tapirs, monkeys, ocelots, jaguars, manatees and sloths. Tortuguero is characterized by beautifully scenic canals, lagoons and rivers that may be toured by boat, canoe or kayak. In addition to the green turtle, three other sea turtle species nest on the park's beaches.


Malpais is situated on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica on the southern tip of the Nicoya Peninsula. Also known as the Hawaii of Latin America, there are several beaches to swim, dive or snorkel though it's main attraction is it's unique conditions for surfing and it's pristine subtropical nature. Horseback riding, sportfishing, canopy tours, scuba, and nature tours make up some of the other popular activities nearby. Malpais is a community unlike any other in Costa Rica with a strong surf culture and a the laid-back atmosphere that maintains the type of earthy tourism that made Costa Rica famous.

MalPais boasts a great selection of places to stay and eat from camping on the beach to luxurious resorts and a wide range of activities. Without a doubt it's a very attractive place to relax and enjoy the golden rays of the Pacific sunset.

Turrialba Valley

With some stunning views of Costa Rica's rural countryside, Turrialba is a charming little town in the lush and beautiful Central Valley in Cartago province. Famous for being a white water rafting hotspot and base camp, this town lies 53 km east of the capital city San Jos and is an excellent place to tour the pre-Columbian ruins at Guayabo National Monument, or the rarely visited but lovely Parque Nacional Volcan Turrialba. A quiet town, Turrialba with its charming street corners and gorgeous surrounding sceneries is among the few places in Costa Rica with direct access to a volcano's crater. From the summit of the volcano, you can on a clear day, see the Irazu, Pos and Barva volcanoes in the distance Botanists and gardeners will want to pay a visit to the Center for Agronomy Research and Development (CATIE), which is located 5km (3 miles) southeast of Turrialba on the road to Siquirres. This center is one of the world's foremost facilities for research into tropical agriculture.

Visit [http://www.CostaRica4me.com] for Costa Rica Travel [http://www.CostaRica4me.com], Booking, Tours, and Accommodations.

Hiking in the Natural Beauty of the National Parks of the United States

If you enjoy hiking then there can be no better setting for a day's hiking than the many wonderful national parks of the United States.

At one extreme you have the Badlands of South Dakota and the Petrified National Forest in Arizona and at the other you have the lush green scenery of Crater Lake in Oregon or the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. Then, in between, you have the thick forests, icy lakes and majestic mountains of Glacier Park in Montana or the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, whose 14,000 foot peaks offer some truly exciting hiking.

Of course if you are looking for something truly spectacular then there is nothing quite as stunning as the Grand Canyon in Arizona which many people quite rightly refer to as the eighth wonder of the world. This gash which Mother Nature has gouged out of the earth runs for nearly 300 miles, is 18 miles wide at its widest point and is a breathtaking one mile in depth.

Nature truly provides some wonderful settings for the hiker and another is the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park which boasts several different ecosystems and allows you hike across black lava sands one day and through dense rain forest the next.

And speaking of volcanoes, is there any more spectacular experience than standing right beside Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park when it sends its pillar of spray high into the air. Yellowstone provides some excellent hiking trails as does the nearby Grand Teton National Park which, in the opinion of many people, is simply one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

For nature lovers a hike through Crater Lake in Oregon is also a must where the giant lake is surrounded by high and densely forested mountains which are home to both bears and soaring hawks. If you enjoy fishing then you will find that Crater Lake has an abundant supply of trout.

Although everyone has their own favorite national park (mine is unquestionably Great Teton) for many millions of people the prize goes to Yosemite.

Yosemite National Park offers many spectacular views including that of El Capitan which is the largest granite outcrop on the planet and whose 3,000 foot sheer face attracts climbers from all over the world. There are also of course Yosemite's many magnificent waterfalls, of which Yosemite Falls itself is the best known, which splash their way down the mountain sides through dense forest which is crisscrossed by hundreds of hiking trails.

Yosemite is also home to some of the most spectacular sequoia trees to be seen anywhere in the world and no visit to Yosemite would be complete without a hike through Mariposa Grove and the lesser know, but no less spectacular, Merced Grove and Tuolumne Grove.

The list of national parks and their memorable attractions could go on and on and for those living in the United States they fortunately provide more than a lifetime worth of incredible hiking experiences.

The-Hiking-Club.com provides information on everything from purchasing a good pair of discount hiking boots to the wonders of Grand Teton day hikes

Photography - 5 Most Popular Types of Photography

Photography has quickly become one of the most popular pastimes for adults and children alike. With today's technology, it's not difficult to see why so many people are stepping behind the camera and looking at the world through the lenses of digital photography.

Below you will find five of the most popular types of photography and a brief description of each. Don't worry, these aren't the only types of photography in the world, there are many more to choose from as well:

1. Nature. Nature is, by far, one of the most popular types of photography. From breathtaking sunsets and waterfalls to fascinating volcanoes and mountains the rewards of capturing the world's natural beauty are limitless. There's a world of opportunity right outside your door.

2. People. Taking photos of people has been and will always be a great way to share memories and capture the important moments of life. There are many ways to photograph people, including staged photos, natural photos, black and white pictures and more. Many professional photographers love taking pictures of newborn babies. Anne Geddes is just one of several professionals who have made their living off of selling photos of newborn babies.

3. Travel. Travel pictures have become more and more popular, not only for tourists but for professional photographers as well. Photos of ancient buildings and scenic cities capture the cultures and traditions of people all over the world. Travel photos can range from pictures of people and places to objects and wildlife.

4. Abstract. Abstract photographs have increased in popularity over the past few years. These types of photos are becoming a common choice for home-owners looking for a special piece of art in their home. A large abstract picture can be the focal point of a living room, bedroom or studio and can help release a personal sense of style.

5. Product. Product photos are a great way to increase sales. These types of photos are generally professionally taken and used for marketing purposes by larger companies. Shoes, clothing, furniture, cars, home decor and, even homes, are all popular items when it comes to product photos.

If you're looking for a hobby that's interesting, fun and can potentially make you some money, photography is definitely the way to go. Besides, you might have an undiscovered talent just waiting to be tapped into. Good luck!

Alexis Brunswick is very interested in photography. She's interested to learn more about the different types of photography and is looking forward to taking photography courses in the future.

Vivacious Vulcano

Offering 7 times the fun, the Aeolian Islands stand out as one of Sicily's more popular destinations, Vulcano being one of the more notable. Seven islands and seven thousand years of history make the area rich in tales as well as natural resources and treasures. Named for the mythological Greek "Keeper of the Winds" the Islands enjoy an excellent climate year round and due to their nature attract many geologists as well as tourists.

Stromboli (the last officially active volcano), Panarea, Vulcano, Salina, Lipari, Filicudi, and Alicudi arose from the sea in the Pleistocene era about 40 km from the Sicilian Coast and offer 7 times the fun for lovers of nature, beaches, seafood, relaxation, and spa style treatment alike.

Aside from the awe of the intimidating vulcano itself and the absolutely stunning views offered at its imposing summit, Vulcano itself does have other draws, mostly brought on by its volcanic activity. Black sand beaches are nothing short of magical, and the Fanghi is definitely a de-stresser. Known for its sulphurous water and just minutes from the incoming ports (not just to the island of Vulcano itself, but rather a port of entry for all 7 islands), this spot is not only convenient but beneficial and healthy, with pools of warm yellowish mud that can be delightful to bathe in. The Fanghi, are larges pools of warm, muddy, sulphurous water situated only a few minutes' walk from the docks where most boats arrive on the island or arrive at the islands themselves. Most boats dock in Vulcano first before making for one of the other 6 islands, the most popular of course being Stromboli, where views of the mountain itself and brilliantly luminescent sunsets characterize the scenery. Again beautiful black sand beaches do nothing but beckon to the weary wanderer with open arms.

After bathing or swimming in the pools, it's nice to cover oneself with the mud and let it dry, much like a therapeutic facial mask or body mask and rinse it off. Emerge feeling rejuvenated, invigorated, and ready to experience more of what the Aeolian Islands have to offer. The thermal springs near the mud baths themselves are especially inviting since they add a warm, bubbly quality to the sea, rather like a natural hot tub and are most thereapeutic for anyone with arthritis or muscular problems and discomforts. As long as the smell of sulphur doesn't overpower you, a 2 euro entry fee is a small price to pay for a most relaxing day. On Vulcano it's important to pay attention to your feet and beware the vents that often release hot vulcanic air that is much less than pleasant to anyone in open toed shoes or unfortunate enough to walk over one as it erupts.

For the full package, meaning what mud baths and hot springs can offer and then some, with a dash of service and pizzazz to boot, staying in the right place is the key to enjoying your stay. The Therasia resort is a fortress of five star finery served up with a Sicilian twist. Offering scuba diving, snorkelling, boat, jet ski, and excursion hires Therasia brings service and more right to your door. Volcano trekking expert guides are also happy and available to take you and your party on a tour unveiling all the beauty Vulcano Island has to offer.

Cozy spots to sample some sumptuous local cuisine would be none other than the hotel offerings; L'Arcipelago with its panoramic views and scrumptious seafood, and Il Cappero with its typical ceiling of straw and delightfully simple local grilled specialties in a casually cool atmosphere. The hotel also offers 2 bars with dizzying selections of delicious cocktails and appetizer hour specials. Il Gazebo and Il Faraglione are both ideal spots to simmer down before a hefty Sicilian meal and perfect watering holes for even the most discerning of tastes.

Wherever one stays or indulges in the local cuisine, finery, beach scene, or chillout zone, none of these seven islands are set up to be a disappointment. In fact the views will capture, the beauty enslave, and everything about these 7 islands from their culinary wonders to service to scenery to history to geological wonders (dangerous and therapeutic alike, from volcanoes to hot springs) are nothing short of a beckoning draw, and beckon you to experience these islands. Heed the call of Aelous, Greek mythology's "keeper of the winds" and find out why these islands beg you to be their own.

Keep the winds to yourself on the Aeolian Islands: http://www.italiancollection.com/en/hotel-therasia-resort.html


How Diamonds Form in Nature

Diamond is made up of carbon. Carbon that has been subject to extremely high pressure and heat for a long time becomes diamond. The longer the carbon is exposed to such conditions, the larger the diamond that will be formed. Over millions of years, carbon deposits slowly crystallize into diamond.

A natural place where the extreme conditions needed to form diamonds exist is deep inside the Earth. At some 90 miles or 150 kilometers under the continental crust, the pressure is known to be around 5 gigapascals and the temperature around 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit or 1,200 degrees Celsius.

Natural diamonds are brought to the surface of the Earth by volcanic emission. The hot molten lava cool down and solidifies into rock within which diamonds can be found.

How the name 'diamond' came to be

The name "diamond" has been traced back to the Greek word "adamas", which was a literal description for the hardest substance known, but more subtly means indestructible. It is no wonder that diamond remains as the ultimate symbol for prestige, power and passion.

How diamond came to be associated with weddings

A celebrated early account of the exchange of a diamond engagement ring is that between the Emperor of Hapsburg (today's Austria) and his wife, Mary in 1477.

According to Egyptian beliefs and Christian records from Seville (in Southern Spain), the ring finger (next to the last little finger) of the left hand has a vein that runs straight to the heart. Hence, the diamond ring is always worn on this particular finger.

For more information on diamonds, please visit http://howdiamondsform.blogspot.com

Wildlife Safari Tours - Revisiting Nature's Affluence

Plenty of tourists come to India looking for a chance at the rugged, rustic life on show. Wildlife Safari Tours of India make sure the appetite for a challenge is whetted with nothing left to spare. With a wide variety of parks that house the rarest species of birds and animal, anyone who is game for a tumultuous journey on the wild side is sure to be enthralled.

Every state in India has a reserve, national park or sanctuary to boast of. However, the large, more prominent parks offer tourists more chances of sightings combined with improved facilities. The most famous among the reserves are in the states of Rajasthan and Kerala.

The state of Rajasthan enjoys the rare convenience of varied terrain, which includes sandy desert, grasslands and even forests. This has allowed wildlife to thrive in this region. With persistent efforts from the state, Rajasthan now prides itself on giving endangered animals like the Bengal tiger, caracal and the desert fox sanctuary. Gift yourself a Wildlife Safari Tour of India and you can marvel in the splendour of majestic wildlife at their natural best. Parks like the Ranthambore National Park, Gajner Wildlife Sanctuary and Kumbalgarh Sanctuary enshrine some of the most coveted wildlife and species of birds there are to see. Besides the matchless experience in the game parks, you are also assured extravagant accommodation at some of the most renowned resorts in the world.

Kerala is home to nature's most precious bounty. Amply fertile with dense forests and impenetrable undergrowth, this is most protected territory as far as wildlife is concerned. Several parks exist within this state, and they are known for the pachyderms, deer, bears, leopards and birds that can be found quite effortlessly. Apart from the jungle creatures, sure to catch your discerning eye are picturesque scenes of nature and flora. Elegant flowers in different hues and shape bring cheer to intimidating jungle grounds. Among the most famous wildlife parks and sanctuaries are the Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary, Thekkady Wildlife Sanctuary and Wynad Wildlife Sanctuary. While on the tour of wildlife sanctuaries, you can also enjoy boat rides across banks and take in picturesque Kerala.

There are varied experiences that can quite literally sweep you off your feet. Elephant rides through the thick of the jungle, ploughing through the forests in open jeeps, and even enjoying the occasional camel ride - these are just some of the delights. It is best to look to undertake these holidays during winter, and avoid the monsoon. The summers in Rajasthan are unrelenting, and the monsoons in Kerala are impossible to navigate through.

Befriend nature and indulge yourself in a Wildlife Safari Tour of India. You will thank yourself over and over for the exuberant boon you have been bestowed.

Deepak Vaish is freelance writer. Visit indiawildlifeonline.com to find more details about India Wildlife Tour and Wildlife Safari with Golden Triangle

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Earthquakes and Volcanoes

There are natural seismic waves and man made events which can lead to shaking and trembling of the earth crust, thereby causing earthquakes.

Earthquakes are caused as a result of released pressure that is accumulated over a period of time.

Of all natural disasters they are one of the most dangerous, an earthquake occurs when there is an increased strain of tectonic plates stuck in the ground, the rocks gives way and it results in an occurrence of fault lines which creates the seismic wave thus shaking and displacing the ground surface.

Similarly, volcano is named after Vulcan, the roman god of fire. It is found in places where plates are constantly moving or shifting.

Volcano is cursed by an emission of hot and molten rocks which can be regarded as lava or magma on the crust of the earth surface. It is said to be one of the most destructive forces of nature.

Volcanic emissions occur when there is a release of the tectonic plates as a result of the pressure created by its movement. Consequently, the earth comprises of irregular shapes and various sizes of plates which moves frequently at different speeds and in the mist of this movement, magma is generated along the plate boundaries.

Types of volcanoes

There are 3 major types of volcanoes which are classified based on their period of eruptions.

1. Active volcanoes: These are recently erupted volcanoes and likely to erupt again.

2. Dormant volcanoes: Dormant volcanoes as the name implies are volcanoes that have erupted in a long while but could possibly erupt again.

3. Extinct volcanoes: These are volcanoes that have not erupted in a long time and could not erupt in the near future. They are also known as dead volcanoes because of their inactiveness.

Mountains like igneous rock which are often referred as one of the oldest and hardest rocks are formed from the aftermath of lava or hot molten from the eruption of volcanoes.

Mountains and other rocks are formed from volcanic eruptions after the ejected lava cools down and it can equally occur in any part of the earth, sea or ocean.

More so, earthquakes can lead to loss of life, properties, soil liquefaction, erosion, landslides, tsunamis, avalanches, personal and economic losses.

The Indian Ocean in 2004, was struck by earthquake which caused a large number of tsunamis along its border. Indian, Thailand, Sri lanker and Indonesia were seriously affected by its rage.

Most seismically active zones in the world are prone to earthquakes and are at risk of this deadly natural disaster.

The shaking capacity of an earthquake is often referred to as 'intensity' and hypocenter is referred to the location below the earth where the rupture begins. While epicenter is the point directly above the hypocenter on the surface of the earth.

In the past 11,000 years there have been more than 1,400 active volcanoes with mauna loa in Hawaii islands having the biggest volcano in the world with approximately 13,000 feet above sea level.

For more Articles and Resources about Earthquakes and Volcanoes visit to compagnie d'assurance habitation and compagnie d'assurance

Discover Famous Volcanoes in Mexico

Mexico is considered as one of only 18 countries in the world which is categorized as megadiverse. This category is used to describe countries that have "extreme diversity" among its Earth species. In fact, Mexico has several active volcanoes that are attributed for its being megadiverse. There are three mountain ranges that can be found in this country that formed volcanic axis - Sierra Madre del Sur, Sierra Madre Occidental, and Sierra Madre Oriental. Most of the Mexcian famous volcanoes are located along the volcanic axis.

One of the famous volcanoes in Mexico is Pico de Orizaba. Located in the city of Orizaba, this volcano is also known as Citlatepetl and the highest Mexican mountain and the third highest in the whole of North America. Its height is estimated at 5,700 meters. The last eruption of Pico de Orizaba happened during the 17th century. The best season to visit this volcano and climb it is between the months of December to April.

In addition, the second highest Mexican volcano is Popocatepetl with an estimated height of 5,400 meters. The name Popocatepetl refers to the Aztec name ''smoking mountain." For the last 600 years, Popocatepetl has erupted numerous times. It has a crater of 250 to 450 meters. This volcano is located forty miles to the northern-eastern side of Mexico City.

Lastly, there's also Iztaccihuatl which is the third highest volcano in Mexico. Its height is estimated at 5,230 meters. The name Iztaccihuatl means "woman in white" because the four peaks of the volcano look like the head, knees, feet, and chest of a woman who is sleeping. The volcano is located forty miles from the south-east region of Mexico City.

Pollux Parker is an adventurer who loves discovering secret island getaways in each country he visits. Pollux also likes to collect Mexican flag and buy Mexican flag.

Arenal Volcano - Nature's Own Fireworks

There are many things to see and do in the Arenal area. But none of them would be there if not for the main attraction: the explosive lava flows of Arenal Vocano.

Arenal Volcano is currently celebrating 39 years of continuous eruptions after a very long 400 year sleep. Since that initial and deadly eruption on June 29, 1968 - the result of a massive earthquake - the volcano has been producing huge ash columns, explosions & glowing red lava almost every day. Unfortunately, you can't see any of this from a safe distance during the day (a few people have died trying...).

But on a clear night, it's a different story altogether. Lava and glowing hot boulders shoot into the air and then smash down onto the mountain, exploding and creating a fireworks show visible for miles around.

While the original 1968 eruption wiped out the entire populations of the villages of Tabacon and Pueblo Nuevo, there haven't been any really dangerous eruptions since. But since the lava flows have been constant and visible ever since (although visibility is truly weather dependent), Geologists consider Arenal Volcano one of the ten most active volcanoes in the world and the single most active in Costa Rica.

Since the eruptions are only visible at night, a myriad of activities has cropped up to keep you entertained during the day.

Take a relaxing hot spring bath at the Tabacon or Baldi hotels (signs for both are all over the area). Take a heart pounding zip line tour over the rainforest canopy. Rent an ATV for a couple of hours and explore the areas many secluded trails. Or do the same on a bicycle.

If you like the outdoors, you won't be bored in the Arenal area.

Things you should know about Arenal:

  • The main attraction, the lava flows, are only visible on clear nights. You should plan to spend at least 2 nights in Arenal in case of cloud cover, which is frequent. Three nights is an even better idea.

  • You don't have to go to the park to see the "fireworks." There are many places on the side of the road that offer and equally compelling view, and so do many of the hotels in the area.

  • There are visible eruptions on just about every clear night. However, it can be difficult to predict exactly on which side of the mountain they will take place. It can be very frustrating to reserve a room with the expectation of seeing the show from your window, only to find that all the action is on the other side. Unfortunately, there's nothing to do about this. But don't get discouraged: the hotel staff will usually know where the best view is on a given night and how to get there.

  • The closest town to the volcano is La Fortuna, a medium sized town by Costa Rica standards, whose primary industry is tourism. Prices are high here by Costa Rica standards (still quite cheap by U.S. standards), but there is plenty of shopping and several restaurants and bars to keep you busy on rainy days and cloudy nights.

Getting to La Fortuna:

  • By Car: From the airport, take the Pan American highway North and follow signs for San Ramon (about 56 km). When you reach San Ramon, turn right into the town (there will be a shopping mall on your right). You will start seeing signs for Arenal and various Arenal hotels here. Continue on this road until you hit the city's main avenue. Turn left and continue for two blocks to the San Ramon hospital. Turn right and continue on this road for about 44 km until you reach La Fortuna. From here, it is easy to find the areas hotels. The whole trip should take 3 - 3 1/2 hours.

  • By Public Bus: Buses leave San Jose's Terminal Atlantico Norte every day at 6:15, 8:40, and 11:30. The buses are slow and stop several times along the way, so the trip will take close to 5 hours.

  • By Private Transport: Private and semi-private transport is available at the airport or can be booked ahead of time from a variety of companies. A google search for "Arenal Transport" will yield many of these.

You can always find this article at our Arenal Recommendations page, along with our favorite hotels in the area.

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