The Laws of Nature - Lifting Gratitude
The more thankful you are, the more wonderful your energy. To be thankful, you have to be judgmental. Can you feel a moment coming on here? Most people tell you not to judge but how can you be thankful for anything if you don't judge it? That's why so many people who turn all hippie and spiritual have about the equivalent personal magnetism as a potato. They try not to judge and then become all dumbed out.
More gratitude means more judgment. You need to have so much judgment that you see duality in everything. In other words you see the good and bad in everything. That's a Jesus, a Buddha, or a Mohammed. Someone who judged everything and saw the balance (the hands of God - both left and right).
Gratitude means seeing the duality of the world, even good in bad but then saying "thanks" for both. Gratitude is not dumb. Dumb is thinking there's good without bad or bad without good. Using the laws of nature you can see that dumb is "human instinct" and this is the lowest level of thought imaginable. (fundamentalism) Dumb thinking is thankful today and pissed off tomorrow.
So, thankfulness is a discipline. Everything is blessed, so everything, even the Tsunami has good and bad. There's no magic formula, just duality. That's the will of God. And you don't have to wear a specific uniform to experience it. In this paradigm, men and women are two halves of the same coin. There's no discussion about that topic. Men are good and bad, women are good and bad, and we are thankful for both. As Mae West said "When I'm good I'm very, very
The Laws of Nature Creating Greater Personal Presence.
The laws of nature share that there are only three time zones. The past, the present and the future. Emotion can only exist in the past and the future. When people totally arrive in the moment they are in what is referred to as "inspiration" total presence.
There are a great many people on this earth, but have you ever wondered why only a few of them have achieved extraordinary public attention. Princess Di for example; a quite ordinary human with no particular talent except choosing a well placed husband, was totally loved by millions and millions of people. For no good reason?
If you split a second you get half a second. Split it again, you get quarter and so on. Split and split and split a second and all it's bits and you get finite time. An immeasurable interval of space - time in which nothing exists. Yet, we are in that finite moment of time, all the time. So people pass through it without noticing it. Some people avoid it and jump over the top. The art celebrity is in that moment. The more a person drills down into the finite moment of time in their art, the more famous they become.
In the laws of nature we call this the art of stillness. First your mind goes empty, which is spooky enough when you are on stage or live to camera. Then your heart stops. That's amazing. Then you hear yourself doing something, and finally you hear clapping. Millions of finite moments of time that cannot be detected, added up, and that was the performance.
I recently met with Carlos Santana. He described performing onstage as "one long orgasm" I think that says it all.
The Laws of Nature Help you Be More Present
You have to know yourself quite well because most of the time, when we are not turning up, we don't even know it. So, lets define presence so you can test yourself.
Are you worried about something? If so, the likelihood is that this is surreptitiously creeping into all your communication with people. Therefore, YOU, are not turning up, your worries are.
Are you fearful about something? If you fear, you are not here. Fear comes from the past but what it does is projects itself into the future. You can't fear being here, because you are already here. But you can fear the future. What you can fear can come near but it isn't here. So, fear means you are not here. You are in the future somewhere.
Are you beating up on somebody (judging or angry at them)? Like your ex, yourself, your friend, your partner, your milkman, your neighbours, your country, your other country. If so, you are living in the past because all the judgments you have right now, come from the past. Things that happen right now don't carry any real weight unless some issue from your past is lingering around waiting for a peg to hang onto. The past is not here, so, if you are angry or missing the past, you are not here either.
Lazy. When the pace slows down, at some point (different for everyone) your mind starts to wonder into fairyland. Now, some people love this fantasy-land because reality to them is hell. But staying there is very detrimental. Because people in fairyland aren't here either.
The Laws of Nature - Creating Certainty
It is my experience that false expectations of life, work and relationship cause us to become confused. Why me? Why did that happen? Why did my wonderful business fail? Why did he have an affair?
The laws of nature explain the order in the chaos. When people are traumatised or blocked in life it is because of doubt. There are many causes of doubt: self doubt, other doubt, life doubt, global doubt. But in the Laws of Nature we say "let the doubt be cleared"
Doubt is a confusion. The main cause of it is that we cannot understand the dynamics of a certain circumstance and therefore we feel, uncertain about the outcome. Nearly every negative human emotion stems from doubt: anger, violence, fear, greed, envy, malice, jealousy.
The Laws of nature are the one and only way to cause certainty. They provide the answers to the questions that cause doubt. They are different to religion or spiritual practices because those are created to "cause" certain behaviour. To cause goodness or peace. The laws of nature do not have a motive other than to run the universe.
Let your doubts be cleared. If you apply the laws of nature to any circumstance in the universe you will see order in chaos. Always. There is nothing that can happen outside the universal laws of nature. So, even though you might not like it because it upsets your humanitarian wish list, the laws show cause and effect as it really is, and because of this, there is certainty.
Building Certainty of the Future - the Laws of Nature - Clearing Doubt.
Doubt kills. Confusion sabotages. Insecurity triggers avoidance. Two conflicting messages spin people in circles. Unproductive relationships and business are filled with doubt.
The laws of nature say "let your doubts be cleared"
The law of Balance will predict the rise and fall of stock markets, real estate prices, emotional wellness, seasons.
The law of growth will predict war, tsunami, avalanche, volcano, earth quake, stock market crash, business success, health, and relationship futures.
The law of interconnectedness will predict the difference between what people want, hope for and wish and what is actually happening.
The law of Harmony will predict the rise and fall of business, relationship, nations, governments, products, services, fads, fashion.
The law of Hierarchy will predict human differences, conflict, love, structures, organisation, evolution of the specie, extinction, environmental change, global warming, science, technology, internet, and the future.
The laws of Nature for More Love
According to the laws of nature, love is the balance of support and challenge. This defies the natural ambitions of the body and our emotional thinking both of which want pleasure without pain.
Love is natural. We love without force or education. We can love even if we are a vegetable, blind, deaf and dumb and unable to move, we can love. In fact, the less we can move the more likely we can love more.
With computers, internet, iPods, TV, cars, buses, planes, advertisements, elephants, colonics, health food, mobile phones - all of which makes us think more - love can become a rather synthetic conglomeration of sexual attraction, obligation, contract commitments and convenience. The head rules.
But synthetic love is not happiness. No matter how much of all those things we get in our life, we would not have more love. Even a plasma, 2000 inch wide screen TV, doesn't make people more loving.
In fact, more love comes from less trying. It is one of the most radical departures from modern day pathways of life to think that if you want more of something, you have to want it less. The N.L.P teachers and US self help gurus would squirm at their income sheets.
The less we want love - the more of it we have because support and challenge are always there.
The Laws of Nature Unblocking Locked Love
There is really only one thing that can block love and that is "emotion"
That seems easy. The hard part is dealing with it. 50% of all emotion comes from subconscious stuff and this is the meat and potatoes of your meditation practices.
The other 50% you can witness in daily life. What we normally say is that "expectations block love" so, really, if you are committed to happiness for yourself and others, you'll find yourself continually adjusting your expectations.
That's theoretically easy. When someone does something you don't like, just say "what did I expect" shrug your shoulders as if to say " oh, well" and smile. The problem with this is running a business without clear standards, or a home without boundaries. You are goind to have no control whatsoever, and in both those situations, work and family, if you lead, it means control at some level at least.
The trick is to have two minds. One that loves everything. The other that doesn't. Blocked love is just caused by listening to the wrong one. Chris Walker is a world leading change agent, an environmentalist and author of more than 20 books. Born and bred in Australia, he consults to people and organisations throughout the world on improved relationships, health and lifestyle through the application of the Universal laws of Nature. The result he offers is that we stay balanced, share loving relationships, work with passion, enjoy success, and live our personal truth. To learn more about Chris's work and journeys to Nepal, visit --